Optimize Team
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SigmaQ Fit - Optimize Team Performance

& Analyze Data

Comprehensive platform to compare and analyze your athletes' data, enabling you to

SigmaQ Fit - Compare and Analyze DataSigmaQ Fit - Compare and Analyze DataSigmaQ Fit - Compare and Analyze Data

Turn Data
Into Results

SigmaQ Fit - turn data into results
Convert raw athlete data into actionable insights, empowering optimized training, increasing performance, and drive your team towards tangible, successful results
SigmaQ Fit - Unique Healthcare Capabilities

Unique Healthcare Capabilities

Effortless, streamlined communication with medical professionals, coaches and team members. Real-time monitoring of athletes' health metrics provide clinical insights to ensure optimal wellness and performance within your team.
01 - In Depth Insights
Granular data on your athlete's performance metrics, nutrition, sleep patterns, and recovery times. Direct, data oriented communication through the platform.
SigmaQ Fit - Unique Healthcare Capabilities
02 - Make Informed Decisions
A wealth of information enabling informed decisions tailored to enhance individual performance and optimize team strategies. Whether it's adjusting training schedules, managing dietary plans, or assessing rest periods, Sigma Q Fit puts actionable intelligence at your fingertips, fostering a culture of health, success, and peak performance within your team.
SigmaQ Fit - Unique Healthcare Capabilities
03 - Recognize Risks
Automatic analytics and flag system to recognize risks early, identifying potential health concerns or performance issues before they escalate, ensuring the wellbeing and sustained performance.
SigmaQ Fit - Unique Healthcare Capabilities

Understand Your Users

Sigma Q Fit facilitates consistent monitoring of your athletes' vital signs and performance data, providing a clinical understanding of each individual's health profile.
SigmaQ Fit - Understand Your Patients
SigmaQ Fit - Dive Deeper Into Their Data
Uravel hidden patterns, track progress, and making data-informed decisions that drive your team towards peak performance.

Turn Data
Into Results

SigmaQ Fit - Increase Performance

Increase Performance

All the tools you need to analyze in-depth performance data, make informed training adjustments, and implement personalized strategies that drive each athlete's progress, ultimately increasing overall team performance.

Utilize Data

Efficiently utilize performance and health data, transform raw metrics into actionable insights.
SigmaQ Fit - Increase Performance
SigmaQ Fit - Increase Performance

 Peak Performance

Foster optimal training conditions and health practices that propel the entire team towards reaching peak performance.
SigmaQ Fit - Increase Performance
SigmaQ Fit - Increase Performance
SigmaQ Fit - Increase Performance
SigmaQ Fit - Increase Performance
SigmaQ Fit - Increase Performance


Ensure optimal rest periods, reduce risk of injuries foster an environment of sustained peak performance across the team.
SigmaQ Fit - Recovery
SigmaQ Fit - Compatible Wearables

Compatible Wearables

Embrace the freedom of choice with Sigma Q Fit, an open platform that seamlessly integrates with any wearable device supporting third-party app usage or feeding data into Apple Health or Google Fit. We understand that each athlete has preferences when it comes to tracking their performance and our platform's flexibility ensures that you can select the wearable that best suits your needs, preferences and lifestyle.
SigmaQ Fit - compatible devices
SigmaQ Fit - compatible devices
SigmaQ Fit - compatible devices
SigmaQ Fit - compatible devices
SigmaQ Fit - compatible devices
SigmaQ Fit - compatible devices
SigmaQ Fit - compatible devices
Rechargeable Heart
Rate Monitor
Discover the cutting-edge Sigma Q Fit chest strap - a rechargeable heart rate monitoring device, meticulously crafted from top-tier materials and rigorously tested for durability. With built-in memory, it captures all your vital data effortlessly, so all you need to do is strap it on and hit the track.
SigmaQ Fit - compatible devices
Professional Heart Rate Monitor Armband
Experience the sleek, rechargeable Sigma Q Fit arm band, a high-tech heart rate monitor designed for comfort and endurance. Engineered from premium materials and proven for durability, it features integrated memory for hassle-free data capture. Simply put it on, and you're ready to go.

Ready to optimize
team performance?

How many Athletes do you need to add to the platform?
How many Sigma Q Fit devices do you need?
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